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nodules or glass looking on ct scan treated with prednisone

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Q: What is organizing pneumonia and how is it treated?
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What is the meaning of progressive pneumonia?

Progressive pneumonia is a condition in which pneumonia isn't adequately treated, and has relapsed into a heavier pneumonia, which tends to be harder to treat.

How is multi focal pneumonia treated?

If the pneumonia is bacterial, the patient will be given antibiotics, she says. But, Dr. Sood points out, "most patients with viral pneumonia do not require antibiotics." Instead, they maybe treated with an antiviral medication like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or remdesivir, depending on the cause of the infection.

What is a pneumonia ward?

Pneumonia is a inflammation in the lungs due to foreign substances entering the respiratory system, such as chemicals or bacteria related substances. A pneumonia ward is a ward where this is treated with anti biotics.

What type of pneumonia is the most deadliest?

The worst kind of pneumonia is the Viral type. This is where the virus has to run through your body until it ends compared to bacterial pneumonia which can be treated with antibiotics and medication.

Where do people get pneumonia in there body?

Pneumonia is a condition that attacks the lungs, there are two kinds, viral and bacteria, they are both very painful and need to be treated by a physician

What is eosinophilic pneumonia?

a group of diseases in which there is an above normal number of eosinophils in the lungs and blood.

How is pneumonia treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative treatment such as nutritional support, however, can help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with pneumonia and boost the body's immune function.

Is boop a word?

Yes, "boop" is a word commonly used to describe a gentle tap or touch. It is often associated with playfulness or affection, such as when booping someone's nose.

What is pneumonia and is it harmless?

pneumonia: disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritant. it can be harmful if its not treated . you can treat it by medicine and rest. it can take up to a week or several weeks to cure pneumonia

Is Cow pneumonia contagious to other cows and horse?

When cows get pneumonia it can be passed to other cows.

If treated for double pneumonia instead of staff pneumonia what will be the outcome?

Double pneumonia does not identify which kind of pneumonia you have or which pathogen is the cause -- it is only identifying that you have it bilaterally, or in both lungs. Staph pneumonia identifies the actually pathogen causing the infection, Staphlococcus aureus, which is a very virulent pathogen. Staph pneumonia can be deadly if not treated properly. It may be helpful if you understand that there are many different forms of pneumonia, and that being diagnosed with "pneumonia" itself isn't a death sentence by any means -- it simply means you have inflammation and fluid in the lungs. This inflammation and fluid can be caused by a virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite, and sometimes is just caused by damage to lung tissue without any infectious origin at all. In most cases, pneumonia will clear up with antibiotic therapy, and the people with the highest risk of dying from the disease are very young children, elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

How is chlamydial pneumonia treated?

Chlamydia trachomatis improves rapidly with erythromycin. Chlamydia psittaci infection is treated with tetracycline, bed rest, oxygen supplementation, and codeine-containing cough preparations. Chlamydia pneumoniae infection is treated with erythromycin