The cancers most commonly associated with SVCS are advanced lung cancers, which account for nearly 80% of all cases of SVCS, and lymphoma.
In cases of SVCS caused by lung cancers, the prognosis is generally rather poor since SVCS does not generally occur until the later stages of these diseases.
More than 95% of all cases of SVCS are associated with cancers involving the upper chest.
The abbreviation for services is: svcs Example: Billings Information Technology Services = Billings Info Tech Svcs
The abbreviation for services is: svcs Example: Billings Information Technology Services = Billings Info Tech Svcs
How do you abbreviate the word service
The phone number of the Ne Ga Reg Lib Syst Svcs Office is: 706-754-0416.
The abbreviation for services is: svcs Example: Billings Information Technology Services = Billings Info Tech Svcs
The address of the Ne Ga Reg Lib Syst Svcs Office is: 204 Ellison Street, Suites E & F, Clarkesville, 30523 M
The reasons are not known but it is one of the many symptoms that can accompany the disease.
SVCS is also called superior mediastinal syndrome and/or superior vena cava obstruction.