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The worst habit that damages the respiratory system and also shortens life is smoking. Not e-cigarettes, which produce a vaporized nicotine, but regular ones. These produce smoke particles and tar which damage the cilia of the upper tract. These little hair-like projections move mucous that has these particles and tar imbedded in it. These cilia move the dirty mucous up and in to the throat where it is swallowed and then destroyed by the stomach acids.

If the smoke, tar and other dirty particles remain in the lungs, breathing can become very difficult and the very lungs are damaged.

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10y ago

the bad habits that affect our respiratory system are: (1)cigarette smoking (2)alcohol drinking (3)lack of exercise (4)lack of sleep

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13y ago

spinal cord injuries can lead to repiratory injuries by the spinal cord punturing the lungs

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Smoking damages it,it builds up gunk in your lungs and respitory.

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Q: What is one of the main habits of many people that cause a variety of problems in the respiratory system?
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