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A baby and its mother use different bloods. However, the placenta, that allows nutrients to pass into the baby, can also allow harmful substances.

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Smoke and beer and other things in that family

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Q: What is one harmful substance that may pass from the mothers blood to the baby's blood?
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Harmful substances like nicotine can pass from the mother's blood to the baby's blood through the placenta. The placenta is a vital organ that provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus while also filtering out some harmful substances. However, substances like nicotine can still pass through the placenta and affect the developing baby.

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Which part can harmful substances such as nicotine pass from the mothers blood to the baby's blood?

trough the placentai thinkshould be umbilical cord...... I think too

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No, digested food does not pass directly from the mother's blood to the baby's blood. Nutrients from the mother's blood are transferred to the baby's blood through the placenta, which acts as a barrier to prevent direct mixing of blood between the mother and the baby.

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In the body, the liver is responsible for detoxification of the blood, and in the cell, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

What happens to a baby that drinks beer?

Uhh...Why are you giving your baby beer?? If you are, it kills brain cells and can damage the brain. Ok, stop giving the baby beer. stupid idea.

Why is dialysis tubing differently permeable?

To allow useful substance in and hold back the harmful ones in the blood, which helps in purification.

Can a man that have o plus blood father a child that is type a blood?

yes because maybe the babys mom did. or maybe other generations of the babys parents did. or on and on.

Can an a positive blood type father have an o blood type baby?

Yes, an A positive blood type father can have an O blood type baby if the mother carries the O blood type gene. The child would inherit one A allele from the father and one O allele from the mother, resulting in an O blood type.

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Urea is a naturally occurring substance that is produced in the body as a waste product of protein metabolism. In moderate amounts, urea is helpful for the body's elimination of nitrogenous waste. However, high levels of urea in the blood can be harmful and may indicate issues with kidney function.