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night blindness is particularly caused by deficiency of vitamin A (retinol)

Our eyes contain 2 photosensitive cells

  • rods-for scotopic vision i.e., for night vision contain pigment rodopsin
  • cones-for photopic vision i.e, to see colours in presence of light contain pigment ionopsin

rodopsin pigment contain retinal, an aldehyde of retinol(vitamin A)

Therefore deficiency of vitamin A effects scotopic vision and is known as night blindness

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13y ago
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11y ago

vitamin a deficiency. There are many other causes- Retinitis Pigmentosa, Myopia or short sight, cataract, glaucoma and Diabetes. Retinitis Pigmentosa is genetic, incurable and ultimately leads to blindness.

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12y ago

night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin a

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11y ago

Lack of Vitamin A causes night blindness.

Vitamin-A rich food stuffs like carrots much be taken in frequently to get rid of that disease .

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11y ago

lack of vitamin a in your diet

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14y ago

A low Deficiency in vitamin A

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What is causes night blindness?

night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin a

What problem caused by Deficiency of vitamin A?

if you lack vitamin a you get night blindness

Does a lack of vitamin C cause night blindness?

No, a lack of vitamin C does not cause night blindness, but it can cause scurvy. A lack of vitamin A causes night blindness.

How is night blindness treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative remedies may be effective at reducing night blindness, particularly when caused by a vitamin A deficiency.

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What diseases are caused by the lack of vitamin A?

Night blindness, xerophthalmia or dry eyes, blindness, dry eyes, and other inflammatory diseases and conditions.

What diseases are caused by lack of vitamin A?

Night blindness, xerophthalmia or dry eyes, blindness, dry eyes, and other inflammatory diseases and conditions.

What are facts about night blindness?

Night blindness, which is called nyctalopia, may be caused by an injury to the eye or be inborn. It is more common in men than women and can be treated in early cases by vitamin A.

Will night blindness comes hereditary from fathers sister?

If the father's sister (aunt) was born blind then the baby may have blindness but if blindness was caused later in life e.g getting a cricketball hit in your eye then the baby will not have blindness

Is carrot good for the eye?

Carrots are only beneficial if you have night blindness caused from a lack of Vitamin A.

What diseases are caused by nutrient deficienies?

beriberi, kwashiorkor, pellagra, rickets, osteoporosis night blindness

Disease caused due to lack of vitamin A?

night blindness is cuased due to the lack of vitamin eye .