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Appropriate amounts of the trace element iodine in the diet.

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Q: What is necasary for normal thyroid function?
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What element is essential for normal thyroid function?

The micronutrient essential for normal thyroid function is the halogen Iodine.Iodine-it's consumption prevents goiters.

Euthyroid means a hyperactive thyroid gland?

No, actually euthyroid means a normally functioning thyroid gland; it is a state of normal thyroid gland function. The term hyperthyroid means that the thyroid is overactive, and hypothyroid refers to an under active thyroid.

Mineral is responsible for affecting the normal functioning of the thyroid gland?

Iodine is the mineral essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and other important functions in the body. Inadequate iodine intake can lead to thyroid disorders, such as goiter or hypothyroidism.

Why is your thyroid enlarged?

Sometimes the thyroid can become enlarged due to a goiter, a thyroid nodule, or a thyroid adenoma. A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland. A thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland. And when there's an overgrowth of normal thyroid tissues, this is commonly referred to as a thyroid adenoma.

What is the target for thyroxine?

The target for thyroxine is to regulate the body's metabolism by controlling the production of thyroid hormones. Thyroxine is produced by the thyroid gland and helps to maintain normal function of organs and tissues in the body. The target level of thyroxine in the blood is typically determined through thyroid function tests.

Is the thyroid a neuroendocrine organ?

The thyroid is not a neuroendocrine function, as it has no nervous system function.

What function of the thyroid gland?

A function of the thyroid gland is the regulates calcium in blood

What is thyroid parenchyma?

Thyroid parenchyma is the normal bulk of the thyroid.

The function of the thyroid hormones is to?

promote the development of the nervous system in infants and promote normal udult nervous system functioning

Do you need iodine in diet?

Yes, iodine is an essential mineral that plays a key role in thyroid function, which helps regulate metabolism. It is important for the production of thyroid hormones, which are necessary for normal growth and development. Good dietary sources of iodine include seafood, dairy products, and iodized salt.

Does your metabolism work normal if you have no thyroid but take synthroid?

Yes, although "normal" is a difficult word to characterize. Synthroid is emulating the normal function of the thyroid so once you are on the optimal dosage of Synthroid it should do exactly what your thyroid was doing before it was removed. Remember that theendocrinology is just one part of metabolism, there is also a significant number of chemical reactions associated with the nervous system.

Can you use armor thyroid for weight loss?

No. Armour Thyroid should never be used for weight loss and will not cause weight loss in people with NORMAL Thyroid Function. For people who are HypOthyroid (underactive Thyroid) Armour Thyroid can help them lose weight the way people with normal thyroid lose weight - but only if they are following a diet/exercise regimen. It will not CAUSE weightloss. It will however make it possible for those with Hypothyroid to lose weight - which many could not without Armour.