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It is a general term for a malignant neoplasm derived from muscular tissue.

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Q: What is myosarcoma?
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Is myosarcoma a benign tumor derived from muscle tissue?

No it is not. Myosarcoma is a malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue.

What is the condition for a malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue?


What is the medical term meaning malignant flesh tumor of the muscle?


What is the medical term meaning Flesh tumor of muscle?

Myosarcoma is the term for flesh tumor of muscle.

What are five muscular diseases?

There are far more than five, but five of them would be as follows (in no particular order): 1) Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 2) Myasthenia Gravis 3) Myosarcoma 4) Myoleiosarcoma 5) Alcoholic cardiomyopathy

You had breast cancer 4 years ago bilateral mastectomies no tamoxafen you now have myomatous uterus with at least on hypervascular intramural myoma measuring 2.7 by 2.3 cm is this benign or cancer?

Benign. If it was cancerous, it would have been called myosarcoma, not myoma. :)

What type of tissue gives rise to sarcoma?

Sarcomas are malignancies that arise from mesenchymal tissues: (think of middle layers of body) bone, cartilage, muscle, fat, blood vessels. Examples are osteosarcoma-bone, chondrosarcoma-cartlilage, liposarcoma-fat, myosarcoma-muscle, and angiosarcoma-blood vessel.

Would a veterinarian prescribe pregabalin for muscle tumor?

No, the veterinarian would resect the tumor with a wide margin if possible and then provide accepted pain medication such as tramadol or Rimadyl. An opioid pain reliever may be provided if the animal appears to be in significant pain. Pregabalin (Lyrica) is a new drug that has limited approval for use in human medication. Veterinarians are prohibited from using drugs not approved for use in animals unless there is significant medical need and no animal-approved drug is available. As there are other options for treating muscle pain associated with a myosarcoma or myoma, a veterinarian prescribing pregabalin would be doing so illegally.

What is the medical term meaning muscle cell?

Tissues (histo-) are similar cells working together toward the same goal. General words include histology (hist = tissue + log = study + y = process) and histogenesis (histo = tissue + genesis = origin). When referring to muscle tissue, the term depends on the working conditions of the muscle or where it is located. Type: skeletal or cardiac or viseral (smooth) muscle. Location: myocardium (muscle [tissue] of the heart) muscularis (muscle layer of the digestive system) myometrium (muscle layer of the uterus)

What is the medical term meaning malignant skeletal muscle tumor?

The root word of or relating to muscle is my(o), and oma is the suffix for tumor. Therefore, Myoma is a Muscle Tumor.The prefix rhabd(o) means striated or rod shaped, my(o) is the root word of or relating to muscle, and oma is the suffix for tumor. Therefore, Rhabdomyoma is a Tumor of Striated Muscle.The prefix lei(o) means smooth, my(o) is the root word of or relating to muscle, and oma is the suffix for tumor. Therefore Leiomyoma is a Tumor of Smooth Muscle.Leiomyoma.The root word of or relating to muscle is my(o), and oma is the suffix for tumor. Therefore, Myoma is a Muscle Tumor.The prefix rhabd(o) means striated or rod shaped, my(o) is the root word of or relating to muscle, and oma is the suffix for tumor. Therefore, Rhabdomyoma is a Tumor of Striated Muscle.The prefix lei(o) means smooth, my(o) is the root word of or relating to muscle, and oma is the suffix for tumor. Therefore Leiomyoma is a Tumor of Smooth Muscle.Myoma

Why is my puppy having trouble walking?

He could have a pinched nerve, injured his back or there could be a tumor. There are a number of things that could cause this. Take him to the vet, who will be able to diagnose his condition. Most likely a ruptured disc in the spine. Can be fixed with various medicines, but usually ends up in surgery.