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muscle length is the length of an animal or humans muscle

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Q: What is muscle length?
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Does muscle length change during isometric movements?

No, the length of the muscle fibers does not change. In isotonic movements is when the length changes.

What is a muscle cell?

A muscle cell is a cell which can change length

What type of receptor detects muscle length?

Muscle Spindle

Do muscle spindles measure the rate of stretch of a muscle?

They measure the rate of change of length of a muscle.

Why stretching a muscle beyond its optimal length reduce its ability to contract?

Stretching a muscle beyond its optimal length reduces its ability to contract. This is because the muscle can be torn or damaged.

What happens If a muscle is applied to a load that exceeds the muscle's maximum tension?

The muscle length will not change during a contraction.

When your muscle contacts what is happening to its length?

it shortens

What muscle do you use to sing?

You will use the diaphragm muscle to control the length/strength of your breath.

The muscle decreases in muscle length during contraction but tension is the same?

Isotonic contraction

A contraction in which there is no change in muscle length but there is a great increase in muscle tension is?

isometric contractions

How are the short length and slow movement in muscles like digestive organs?

The muscles in organs are called smooth muscle. Smooth muscle has short length and slow movement. It is involuntary unlike skeletal muscle.

If enough muscle fibers contract to make the muscle as a whole shorten in length the muscle is said to exhibit contractions?
