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Q: What is modern medicine versus old medicine for smallpox?
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At what age did George Washington get smallpox?

George Washington was 20 years old when he got smallpox.

How old do you need to be to get smallpox's?

You can be any age.

Why did the aboriginals get the smallpox and not the british?

They had no immunity. It was an old world disease.

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Origin of the witch?

Before modern medicine, which is only a couple of hundred years old, people used to cure themselves naturally. A witch meant wise. Women who birthed babies for thousands of years were recently called witches by male doctors practicing modern medicine. Cures that were used for centuries by families and villages, usually performed by women became demonized by Christianity and Modern Medicine. Their long traditions have come back as Midwives and Homeopathic medicine.

What are the old world?

smallpox, measles, chickenpox, influenza, malaria and yellow fever

How efficient are modern air conditioners versus ones made two decades ago?

New air conditionings are more energy efficient as well as quieter than old models

Names of biological scientists with photos and their inventions?

India's contributions to science, technology and crafts are well documented, if not widely known. For example, before the British arrived, Indians had a system of inoculation against smallpox; year-old live smallpox matter was used, and it was very effective. Inocultators would fan out into the country before the smallpox season in the winter. The British doctor J Z Holwell wrote a book in 1767 describing the system and how it was safe. European medicine did not have any treatment against this disease at that time.

What are The Old World Pathogens?

smallpox, measles, chickenpox, influenza, malaria and yellow fever

What of the columbian exchange was negative for native americanS?

the introduction of smallpox