neurol foraminal right narrowing c4-5 mild moderate can it be serious?
Moderate left foraminal stenosis is compression of the cervical spinal nerves that travel through a narrowing of the foramina. Causes of the narrowing include herniated disc material and bone spurs in the neck.
There's actually 2 separate indications in your Radiology report:Mild bilateral neural foraminal stenosis is a common problem with most people. The Foramen is the spinal opening at each vertebrae where the nerves pass through; stenosis is the term for narrowing, and in this case it's stating that there's foraminal narrowing in the L5-S1 vertebral area, which is not uncommon.The "small tear" is at the posterior (rear) annulus of the L5-S1 disk, meaning there's a small rupture in the rear of the disk membrane.
Help please
Mild right-sided foraminal narrowing secondary to uncinate spurring means that the space available for nerves to travel through is narrowed. The reason for this in this case is the uncinate spurring, which are bone spurs shaped like hooks, are intruding into that space.
What do they do for this. It is some kind of operation done?
A bulging disk on the left side.
This seems like a "slipped disc" in the spine around the neck region (cervical spine) which is causing pressure on the surroundings of the spinal cord and nerve routes. The Mild left neuroforaminal narrowing refers to a narrowing of the cavity in the spine where nerves leave the spinal cord. Hope that helps! If in doubt, consult the radiologist or physician who produced this report. Student Doctor
i have been miserable with pain in neck and shoulders and more,went to the er and the results show there is straightening to the normal curvature.on c2-c3 there is moderate disc bulging. without disc herniation. c3 and c4 there is broad disc herniation present extending to the right midlin.There is evidence of central canal and right sided forminal narrowing.on c4 - c5 broad disc/ridge complex is present.there is mild centralcanal narrowing and mild left foraminal narrowing. c5 and c6 there is mild disc bulging without disc herniation.Cuts at lung aspices are unremarkable.multilevel disc disease.
Mild disk interspace narrowing is the physical description for "mild degenerative disks" or possibly degenerative disk disease.
Moderate central thecal sac effacement refers to a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord in the center of the spinal canal, which may result in compression of the spinal cord. Mild bilateral foraminal stenosis refers to a narrowing of the openings through which spinal nerves exit the spinal canal on both sides, potentially causing compression of the nerve roots. Both conditions can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the affected areas of the body.