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A garabage disposal full of babies.

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Q: What is located on the peripheral ends of sensory neurons?
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What are the distal ends of sensory neurons called?

The distal ends of sensory neurons are called dendrites. Dendrites receive incoming signals or stimuli from the environment through sensory receptors, such as in the skin, eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. These signals are then transmitted to the cell body of the neuron and eventually to the central nervous system for processing.

Where all the ends of the sensory receptors for the sense of smel located?

olfactory bulb

How does information flow through your nervous system as you pick up a fork?

When you pick up a fork, sensory receptors in your fingers detect the pressure and send signals through sensory neurons to your spinal cord. These signals are then relayed to your brain which processes the information and sends signals through motor neurons back to your muscles, instructing them to move and pick up the fork.

Do the bulbous ends of the axons of neurons cling to capillaries?

No, the bulbous ends of astrocytes cling to capillaries.

The distal ends of the olfactory neurons are covered with hairlike what?


What is the function of the motor neuron?

Motor neurons are responsible for transmitting signals from the brain and spinal cord to muscles or glands throughout the body. They play a crucial role in controlling muscle contractions, movements, and various bodily functions.

Where in the body does a dendrite work?

The dendrites is the the ends of neuron cells. Neurons are located all over the body and all have dendrites at the end of them. Dendrites receive nerve signals are the body to let the brain know how what is the body feeling and how it should react.

Do all primates including New World Monkeys have sensory touch receptors at the ends of their digits on their hands and feet?

well of course they do

What in your body sends messages from your brain and spinal cord?

Efferent neurons carry impulses from your brain and spinal cord to other nerves, glands, and muscles in your body. the central nervous system

Is a copier an input or output peripheral device?

A copier is neither an input device nor an output device because it need not be connected to a computer and usually is not. A Printer, which may also be used as a copier, is an output peripheral device. A Scanner, which feeds data to a computer, is an input peripheral device. Modern digital copiers use scanners as their "front ends". The scanner is then an input device to a copier.

Where is spongy bone located in the bone?

it is located mainly in the proximal and distal epiphysis (the ends of a bone.)

Synaptic knobs occur at the ends of?

Synaptic knobs occur at the ends of axon terminals of neurons. They contain neurotransmitters that are released into the synaptic cleft to communicate with the next neuron in the neural pathway. This process is crucial for transmitting electrical signals in the nervous system.