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Q: What is life-threatening imbalance procuced in the bloodstream by renal failure called?
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What is the most common cause of acid base imbalance?

The most common cause of acid-base imbalance is respiratory alkalosis or acidosis, often due to hyperventilation or respiratory failure. Metabolic acidosis or alkalosis can also occur from conditions such as renal failure, diabetes, or dehydration.

Can a kidney failure cause difficulty with bowel movements?

Kidney failure just like heart failure can cause difficulty with bowel movements especially when osmotic agents are taken without caution causing dehydration and mineral imbalance.

Is green tea bad for people with Congestive Heart Failure?

Green tea might be harmful for some patients with congestive heart failure, if they express Th2 dominance (these are particular cells of the immune system that might be in imbalance with Th1 cells of the immune system; in some cardiac failure patients). Because green tea enhances this imbalance, the severity of the patient's symptoms might worsen. Saying that, it would be wise to speak to your doctor who knows more about the patient's heart failure.

A malnourished person usually dies from what condition?

Death usually results from heart failure, electrolyte imbalance, or low body temperature.

Which electrolyte imbalance not causes by vomiting?

Hyponatremia (low sodium levels) is an electrolyte imbalance that is not typically caused by vomiting. It is usually caused by conditions such as excessive water intake or certain medical conditions like heart failure or kidney disease.

How does alcoho affect the body?

if you mean alcohol then once you drink it it goes into your bloodstream and can also have long term damage.. such as live failure

Failure of homeostatic regulation in the body results in?

Failure of homeostatic regulation in the body can lead to a variety of health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and dehydration. This imbalance can disrupt normal bodily functions and ultimately impact overall well-being.

What does the disease rhadbo cause?

The disease rhadbo or rhadbomyolsis leads to kidney failure. Skeletal tissue is broken down and released into the bloodstream. The myoglobin is harmful to the kidneys.

What is homeostasis failure?

Homeostasis failure occurs when the body is unable to maintain a stable internal environment, leading to an imbalance in factors like temperature, pH, or nutrient levels. This can result in various health complications and diseases as the body struggles to regulate its physiological processes. Hormonal imbalances, organ dysfunction, or external factors can all contribute to homeostasis failure.

How does meningococcemia occur?

Meningococcemia occurs when the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis enters the bloodstream, typically from the throat or nose. The bacteria can multiply rapidly in the bloodstream, leading to widespread infection and potentially causing severe symptoms such as fever, rash, and organ failure. Prompt antibiotic treatment is essential to prevent serious complications.

What health problems come from low sodium and low potassium?

Low sodium and low potassium can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes and kidney failure. Treatment of low sodium and low potassium can be treated with dietary changes and medication.

Are ultraviolet lights used in certain industries if so how?

the production of dialysis water( ultra pure water that goes through our bloodstream incase of blood failure) the uv light will kill all bacterial cells in the water purifying it