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Q: What is it when you wake up from sleep and you feel like electricity is going through your body and you cant move?
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Why touching a bare electricity wire with current flowing through it gives a electric shock. what happens if the body is wet?

When a person touches a bare electricity wire with current flowing through it, the body completes a circuit and the electricity flows through the body, causing an electric shock. If the body is wet, the water acts as a conductor and facilitates the flow of electricity through the body. This can lead to a more severe shock as wet skin has lower resistance than dry skin.

Why the body requires fuel even during sleep?

The body requires fuel even during sleep because it is still working while you sleep. Heart rate, pulse, breathing, and circulation rely on fuel to keep the body going even during sleep.

How much electricity can go through a person's body without killing them?

The amount of electricity that can go through the body without killing them is quite varied. In some circumstances an individual can be struck by lightning and survive, and in others an individual can touch an electrical wire and die. Electricity has unforseen effects on the body.

When is a human body working?

The human body is always working from when you wake up in the morning to going to sleep at night.

How does electricity go through you?

When you come into contact with electricity, it can flow through your body if there is a path for it to follow, such as through your skin and tissues. The severity of the shock depends on the voltage of the electricity, the pathway it takes through your body, and the duration of contact. It can disrupt the normal functioning of your muscles and nerves, potentially causing injury or death.

Sleep after blood loss?

Going to sleep after blood loss can help the body to make more. So it's actually recommended.

When does the brain work the hardest?

When you are going to sleep because it works on you going to sleep first then when that's done it repairs every part of your body while you dream. It also has to keep your breathing going while you are sleeping

How well do people conduct electricity when you touched something electrical?

People can conduct electricity when they touch something electrical based on the materials they are wearing or touching. Metal objects are good conductors, while non-metal objects like rubber are insulators that prevent the flow of electricity through the body. Wet conditions can also increase the risk of electrical conductivity through the body.

What is dozing off?

Dozing off means your body going into sleep or rest mode.

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Why can electricity travel easily through humans?

Electricity can easily travel through humans because the human body is made up of mostly water and electrolytes, which are good conductors of electricity. When an electrical current enters the body, it can travel through the nervous system and muscles, sometimes causing injury or even death.