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Q: What is it called when your born blind?
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Are wolverines blind?

Wolverines are born blind. When they are born they're called kits.

Are Rabbits born blind.?

Yes. They are born altricial, which means they're born blind, naked and helpless. Their eyes will begin to open 10 to 11 days after birth. They are blind, deaf, and hairless at birth.

Was blind Boone blind when he was born?

NO he wasn't born blind.

Was the five blind boys born blind?

yes the five blind boys of Mississippi was born blind

When was Didymus the Blind born?

Didymus the Blind was born in 313.

When was Blind Blake born?

Blind Blake was born in 1896.

When was Isaac the Blind born?

Isaac the Blind was born in 1160.

When was Louis the Blind born?

Louis the Blind was born in 880.

When was Eric Blind born?

Eric Blind was born in 18??.

Was jaykit born blind?

yes jaykit was born blind.

How old was blind fury when he become blind?

He was born blind

Why are birds blind when born?

Cause when they are first born they are blind but when they get older they dont be blind then they learn to fly.