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Q: What is it called when an unfair negative opinion about a group of people?
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What is a unfair opinion formed without careful called?

A prejudice.

Conscription fair or unfair?

Unfair this is due to people not being able to have their own opinion on how to run their life.

What word means an unfair opinion about someone?

Prejudice is an unfair opinion of someone, it means to prejudge.

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What is an unfair difference in the treatment of people called?

The word you are looking for is discrimination.

What is the unfair difference in the treatment of people called?

The word you are looking for is discrimination.

What is a prejudice that is leaning toward a positive or negative judgment on something or someone?

A prejudice that is leaning toward a positive judgment is called a "positive stereotype," while a prejudice leaning toward a negative judgment is known as a "negative stereotype." These stereotypes are generalizations or exaggerations about a certain group of people that can be harmful or unfair.

Do you think the process of ostracism is fair or unfair?

This is more of a question which needs your own opinion as the answer. My personal opinion is that yes it is fair, because it gave the people their first chance to be able to speak against public figures and make their mark in politics. It could be unfair if you think that the public figures are there and should not be kicked out. Again, this is all about your own opinion.

What the negative effect of feudalism?

Social system was unfair

Why are negative exteranalities unfair?

They allow firms to make profits, while forcing other people to bear some cost of production.

Why are negative externalities unfair?

They allow firms to make profits, while forcing other people to bear some cost of production -plato

Is unfair an adjective?

The word 'unfair' is an adjective meaning 'not fair.' Examples: We thought that the principal's new rule was unfair. The company was accused of unfair labor practices.