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Some parts of recovery from a brain injury that maybe involved are the coma stage, where one in unconscious and in unresponsive, the vegetative state, in this stage the person will have sleep-wake cycles, and the minimally conscious state, this is when the person has slightly responsive, can talk, and can show emotion.

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Q: What is involved in recovering from a serious brain injury?
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Squishing your brain would likely cause severe injury or even death. The brain is a delicate organ protected by the skull, and any compression or distortion can disrupt its normal functioning, leading to serious consequences. It is crucial to prioritize brain safety and avoid any activities that can harm it.

What are some symptoms and criteria for a head injury?

There are many symptoms and criteria for a head injury. You can get some serious damage to the brain. Brain injuries are the most common injury to the head.

Why you should protect your brain from injury?

You should protect your brain from injury because your brain is THE MOST important organ in your body. Any damage to the brain can cause serious effects that could very well change your life in a negative way.

How long after recovering from measles can there be a serious swelling of the brain?

Called encephalitis, this can occur up to several weeks after the basic measles symptoms have resolved.

Does a serious head injury require immediate medical attention yes or no?

Yes it does because brain can have bleeding through the inside and if a serious head injury isn't treated on time it can lead to death or coma.

What is the cost involved with traumatic brain injury treatment?

The cost of traumatic brain injury treatment can vary widely depending on the severity of the injury and the specific interventions required. Costs may include hospitalization, medication, rehabilitation services, therapy, and ongoing medical care. Long-term costs can be significant due to the need for continued care and support.

What is the difference between brain injury and brain damage?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What is the difference between brain damage and brain injury?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What effects of brain injury on short term memory?

Brain injury can impair short-term memory by damaging the structures involved in storing and processing new information. This can cause difficulties in remembering recent events, new learning, and focusing on tasks. The severity of the memory impairment depends on the location and extent of the brain injury.

What are the symptoms of brain injury?

There are many cases of brain injury that show no symptoms. First of all, a major indication is memory loss because this could mean that you forgot due to an injury. Also if you are having headaches, fever or feel sick in general this could be another indication.