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Pearlie Tromp

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3y ago
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Vivien Lind

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wjdhwelfjkh IOQEHJQPWOIR

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10y ago

The white blood cells are important to keeping you healthy when an infection comes. They contain the material to kill off the infection.

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14y ago

Erythrocytes- Red Blood Cells

Leukocytes- White Blood Cells

Thrombocytes- Platelets

Plasma And Serum

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wjdhwelfjkh IOQEHJQPWOIR

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What is the major difference of a red blood cell and a white blood cell?

The biggest difference is that a red blood cell has no nucleus where as a white blood cell does. A red blood cell has no nucleus because it needs all the space inside the cell for the haemoglobin which is stored inside it and is the oxygen attrcting chemical. White blood cells can have either a bean shaped nucleus which would make it a lymphocyte or a double lobed nucleus which would make it a phagocyte. Another difference is that white blood cells are bigger than red blood cells.

What does a white blood cell have that a red blood cell doesn't?

The white blood cell has nucleus that red blood cell does not

What is the difference between the red blood cell and the nerve cell?

the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but it doesnt care as much blood as the red blood cell does that's the difference. Also, the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but the red blood carries blood. Wait, I think the nerve cell is the white cell is white. White Cell=Nerve Cell*white. Cell=Nerve/White =;)

What do white blood cells produce to fight viruses inside the body?

Antibodies. which you know is a white blood cell that fights things that are anti-body.

Is leukocyte the biological term for white blood cell?

Yes, a leukocyte is a white blood cell

What is the best definition for leukocyte?

A leukocyte is a white blood cell, and is a cell that travels in the blood and implements the body's immune response.

Can sickle cell cause high white blood cells?

Yes in sickl cell disease the white blood cell is

Would appendicitis show up on a blood test?

yes.And the white blood cell will count very high due to the infection of apendicsus.

Is 4.3 an abnormal white blood cell?

Yes, 4.3 is a low white blood cell count.

Why does white blood cell have 43 chromosome?

A normal human white blood cell has 46 chromosomes.

What does a white blood cell count of 10.6 mean?

white blood cell count is 11.7 what does this mean?