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i dont know ... please i need to know this asap for college!

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Q: What is host immunity?
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What is the principle that holds that ambassadors and other embassy workers are not subject to the laws of the host country.....Diplomatic Immunity?

Diplomatic Immunity: The principle that holds ambassadors and other embassy workers not to be subject to the laws of the host country is indeed diplomatic immunity.

Which is not an aspect of diplomatic immunity?

Diplomats may not be expelled from their host country..

Who has diplomatic immunity?

(in the US) The US recognizes the same diplomatic immunity for foreign officials as is accorded to the US by their nation. Although I'm sure the State Deparement may have statistics on this number, I am not aware of where this information may be found. Try calling the State Department Dept. Office of Public Affairs.

Although diplomats enjoy immunity from the laws of the state in which they are stationed the host government may?

Expel them from the country.

How was the vaccination for smallpox developed?

They took dead cow pox virus and injected it into humans . This developed an immunity in the host.

What kind of immunity do you receive from vaccines?

Innate immunity (also called nonspecific or natural immunity) refers to the inborn ability of the body to resist and is genetically transmitted from one generation to the next. This immunity offers resistance to any microorganism or foreign material encountered by the host. It includes general mechanisms inherited as part of the innate structure and function of each vertebrate and acts as the first line of defense. Innate immunity lacks immunological memory, i.e., it occurs to the same extent each time a microorganism or foreign material is encountered.

What are the types of immunity?

The three types of immunity is innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and passive immunity.

What is concomitant immunity?

The presence of the parasite within the host confers a degree of protection against superinfection Outcome is chronic infection and density dependant disease

Definition of tort immunity?

There are three special cases of immunity from tort liability. They are intrafamily immunity, governmental immunity, and charitable immunity. Intrafamily immunity is immunity from a tort action brought by an immediate family member. Governmental immunity is immunity of a governmental agency from a tort action. Charitable immunity is immunity of a charitable organization from a tort action.

What is the difference between Sovereign immunity qualified charitable interspousal immunity?

explain the difference between sovereign immunity qualified immunity charitable immunity and interspousal immunity?

Do ambassadors have diplomatic immunity?

Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws. so yes

Why can't ambassadors be arrested?

Ambassadors are granted diplomatic immunity under international law, which means they are protected from being arrested or prosecuted in the host country. This immunity is intended to ensure that diplomats can carry out their duties without fear of interference or reprisal. However, in serious cases, the sending country may waive the immunity of its diplomat and allow them to be arrested and face prosecution.