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A hereditary disease is a disease that is passed from one generation to the next through DNA (genes).

It may also be called a genetic disease.

A few examples:

* Huntington's disease * sickle cell anemia * Tay-Sachs disease * Duchenne muscular dystrophy * color blindness

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16y ago
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13y ago

An hereditary disease is one that is passed from parent to child through their genes. One example of a disease that is almost always inherited is hemophilia. Hemophiliacs' blood does not clot normally therefore, a cut can be very dangerous. The scariest part of this is that a hemophiliac can have internal bleeding and not even know it!

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13y ago

this is the type of a disease that can be transmitted from the parents to the offsprings. Basically it's a genetically transferred disease.

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14y ago

Diseases such as Diabetes or certain cancers, like Prostate cancer; these can be passed down to the children of people who suffer from them.

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12y ago

they are diseases which are passed on from parents to offprings through the gene some of these disease include sickle cell anemia etc

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10y ago

Hereditary is a person holding position by inheritance.

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