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Q: What is hemorrhagic contusion?
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What does it mean bilateral frontal lobe hemorrhagic contusion?

bilateral - affecting both sides of the brainfrontal lobe - the front of the brain, a major ability of this lobe is to project future consequences resulting from current actionshemorrhagic - accompanied by or produced by hemorrhage (internal bleeding)contusion - a bruise

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What is the ICD-9 code for contusion of the cheek and the forearm?

920 - contusion of face 923.10 - contusion of forearm

Are contusion and blunt trauma the same?

A contusion is a bruise. Blunt trauma would likely refer to how the contusion how the bruise was caused.

What do you call a bruise on the brain?

A bruise on the brain is called a contusion.

What is an osseous contusion?

Osseous means bony and contusion means bruise.

What is the difference between concossion and contusion?

A contusion is a bruise, and a concussion is a bruise of the brain.

How can one hide a contusion using makeup?

You can use a concealer to hide the contusion. Pat the skin with the contusion with the concealer and gently blend in the concealer with the surrounding skin to hide the bruise.

Where is cardiac contusion found on the heart?

Since a contusion is a bruise, it would be located at the point of impact.

Is a contusion is a bruise or hemorrhage with a break in the skin?

A contusion is a bruise or hemorrhage without a break in the skin.

How do you cure contusion?

A contusion is a bruise. You don't need to do anything to make it heal. The body does that work on its own.

How is a liver contusion diagnosed?

What is the question? A 'contusion" is the technical/medical term for a bruise.