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hiya simon

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Q: What is heart disese?
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Related questions

What are some common risk factors for heart disese?

Check with your Doctor and the American Heart Association for the most accurate information. Genetics could also be a major factor for heart disease.

Do Rihanna have a disese?


Can you get unemployment if you quit because of a found heart disease?

If it was recommended by a doctor that you quit, then yes. But if you quit without the recomendation of a doctor then no. Heart disese is common in the US, and many people continue working even after major heart attacks.

What is the definition of disese?

A sickness.

What is borne illness?

a disese that can kill

Does Selena have a disese called Lopez?


Was Babe Ruth handicap?

yes he had a disese

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What is food borne illness?

a disese that can kill

How Percy Lavon Julian made his discoveries?

a disese

Do horses have disese?

Yes, they can usually be cured though

What is the disese called from the movie outbreak?

Armageddon virus.