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Q: What is full term labor?
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What condition does the term debt peonage referred to?

Paying for things through labor but never being able to pay in full.

What does the term debt peonage refer to?

Paying for things through labor but never being able to pay in full.

What condition Does the term dept referred to?

Paying for things through labor but never being able to pay full. *apex*

What does the term dept peonage refer to?

Paying for things through labor but never being able to pay full. *apex*

You have 3 weeks left is it okay to go into labor now 2 cm dilataed when i went to the doctor?

It's okay for you to go into labor at anytime now. Your baby is full term.

What condition does the term dept peonage refer to?

Paying for things through labor but never being able to pay full. *apex*

Does losing weight at 40 weeks mean that labor is close?

It is one of the signs of impending labor, but there are many, including contractions, a bloody show, diarrhea, or your water breaking. 40 weeks is full term!

What should i do i have pains after sex at 37 weeks pregnant?

If you are 37 weeks, you are full term, it could be labor, sometimes sex can bring on labor. If the pain is really bad go to the hospital. Hope this helps

How do you describe premature labor?

Premature labor is contractions that occur after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks during pregnancy. The baby is more likely to survive and be healthy if it remains in the uterus for the full term of the pregnancy.

What is the medical term for healthy normal labor?

Eutocia is the medical term meaning normal, healthy labor and childbirth. In contract, dystocia is the term meaning abnormal or difficult labor and birth.

What is another term for labor pain?

Labor contractions might be the best term but not all contractions are painful.

This is your third child and the baby has dropped very low does this mean you will go into labor soon?

Not necessarily; a "low" baby can be carried to full term (happened to me).