It is called chyme once it gets out of the stomach into the small intestin.
when you eat it? your teeth and saliva break down your food in your mouth. then you swallow. the food enters your stomach and food with nutrients are sent throughout your body. Stomach acid breaks what it can and the rest exits through your rectum.
your stomach and small intestines break food down and anything that gets to your large intestines exits your body through the anus
Exits are called exits, or way out
the mouth. Then it goes down the esophagus and into the stomach. then it goes in the small intestine and then the large intestine. then it exits your body
The food material is called chyme once it gets out of the stomach.
It travels down our esophagus, which is basically a long wide tube that has muscles the whole way down it for pushing food towards our stomach. When we vomit, these muscles work in reverse to push stomach contents back upward.
Stomach juices and liquid food called chyme
the intestine is where the food goes after being ground up in the stomach. while in the intestine, the food it absorbed through the body. The unused food travels to the anus where it, of course, exits the body.
the intestine is where the food goes after being ground up in the stomach. while in the intestine, the food it absorbed through the body. The unused food travels to the anus where it, of course, exits the body.
the intestine is where the food goes after being ground up in the stomach. while in the intestine, the food it absorbed through the body. The unused food travels to the anus where it, of course, exits the body.
The liquid mixture of food in the stomach is called chyme.