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Q: What is fecal matter remaining in the large intestine too long with too much water being removed from it?
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What is the end result of fecal matter remaining in the large intestine too long with too much water being removed from it?

Constipation is caused when too much water is absorbed in the large intestine and poops become dry.

Where does food go after the small intestine?

After passing through the small intestine, digested food moves into the large intestine (also known as the colon). In the large intestine, water is absorbed and the remaining waste material is formed into feces before being expelled from the body through the rectum and anus during a bowel movement.

What happen to the remaining books after one book was pulled?

When a book is pulled from circulation, the remaining books typically stay available for borrowing or are stored until needed. If the book is being removed due to damage or wear, the remaining copies might be reevaluated for condition. If the book is being removed due to lack of interest, the remaining copies may continue to be available for borrowing until they are no longer in circulation.

Large intestine function?

large intestine store waste product which is not absorbed by the small intestine

What happens in the to the food large intestine?

Toxins and undigested food goes into the large intestine. The main job of it is to absorb any remaining water from the stuff, then it stores the waste (also known as poop) until it comes out into the toilet. In the large intestine the food is dried out, the excess water being absorbed by your body. Most of the nutrients are sucked out in the small intestine but your body continues to extract nutrients in the large intestine. After that the waste travels through the rectum and through the anus and out of your body.

What is the role of the small intestine in the digestive system of proteins and fats?

In the small intestine, the food you eat continues being digested, and then the nutrients and proteins your body needs make their way out of the small intestine and into the rest of your body. Then the matter that is left over passes through the small intestine into the large intestine...causing you to go to the restroom.

What is the purpose of the cow's large intestine?

The large intestine acts like any other large instestine in any animal: it absorbs excess water from the fecal matter before being expelled through the anus.

What is function of the large intestines?

the sigmoid colon mainly absorbes water from the food & clumps the waste together

What happens to the acid when it leaves your stomach?

When acid leaves the stomach, it enters the small intestine where it is neutralized by bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas. This helps to prevent damage to the lining of the intestine. The remaining acid is further neutralized in the small intestine by alkaline secretions.

Where does your food go after being swallowed and gets mixed with acid?

After being swallowed, food enters the stomach where it gets mixed with stomach acid and enzymes that break it down into smaller molecules. These molecules then move to the small intestine where they are further digested and absorbed into the bloodstream to be used as energy by the body. Any remaining waste travels to the large intestine for water absorption and eventual elimination from the body.

What is the Structure between small and large intestine?

Really there is no 'structure' as such between the small and large intestine. The small intestine is in three parts (that are not separated/divided), the first 20cm or so is the duodenum, the next roughly 2.5m is the jejunum with the remaining roughly 3.5m the ileum which then turns into cecum (the first part of the large intestine). Imagine the intestines as piping with each part being another pipe welded to the last - there are different sections but ultimately they form one long tube.

How long can a car sit on the side of the road before being removed?

It depends on the make and model. Some don't sit there but a matter of minutes.