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Facets are particular joints in your spine.

Hypertrophic means roughly: "overgrown" or "excessive in size".

Sclerosis can refer to a hardening of tissue or (on x-ray) an apparent "whitening" of an area/region.

So... hypertrophic facet sclerosis means that (some) joints in the spine look overgrown. And (since I'm guessing this was diagnosed via x-ray) the sclerosis refers to the extra whiteness that shows up on the x-ray in the area of those joints. It's a fancy way of saying, "there's more wear and tear in these joints than normal."

When bone is under stress it reacts by laying down more calcium and becoming bigger in that area. This can commonly be seen in the bones of athletes, people who have suffered chronic trauma, and many otherwise normal, often non-symptomatic individuals.

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14y ago

What is mean y with " hypertophic sleotic l5-s1 facet joint " ?

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9y ago

Facet hypertrophy is an enlargement of the facet and ligament joint. Nerves in the spine can come under pressure if it increases.

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Posterior element hypertrophy is a condition that affects the facet joint. In layman's terms, this essentially means that the joint has simply increased in size.

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