what is erythematous mucosa in the distal rectum
Mucosa is the lining of cavities that are exposed to the outside environment, such as the nasal cavities, and internal organs. Antrum is a general term for a cavity or chamber which may have specific meaning in reference to certain organs or sites in the body. Erythematous means unnaturally reddened. So, erythematous mucosa in the antrum means that the lining at a site in your body is unnaturally reddened.
it means that there are red, inflamed patches in the part of your large intestine closest to the rectum.
The anus is distal to the rectum.
Distal sigmoid colon is the last segment of your colon before the rectum begins. The colon segments (in order from proximal to distal) are: ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid.
It usually starts in the distal colon - the rectum, but can involve all the colon (large bowel).
The rectum can also be known as the anus or colon.
The most inferior (caudal) portion of the digestive system is the anus which is at the end of the rectum.
used to treat rectal prolapse.The Delorme procedure involves the resection of only the mucosa (inner lining) of the prolapsed rectum. The exposed muscular layer is then folded and stitched up and the cut edges of mucosa stitched together.
The six named regions of the large intestine from proximal to distal are: cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum.
Feces is stored in the colon until defectation occurs. The more proximal portions of the colon also serve to absorb water from the feces. The rectum, which is the more distal portion of the colon, serves primarily to store feces pending defecation and is probably the answer you are looking for.
Rectal prolapse is when the entire wall of the rectum or the rectal mucosa protrudes (bursts). It usually only protrudes by a few centimeters. It is uncommon however mostly occurs in young children and the elderly.