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There are several things that have said to be the cause of endometriosis. Although endometriosis can occur at pretty much any time in a woman's reproductive life, the most common ages are from twenty five to twenty nine. Some studies show that it is thought to be a hereditary factor. When a woman is exposed to increased menstruation, her possibility of developing endometriosis is higher. Also, a woman who experienced long and heavy menstrual periods before having children might be more susceptible to endometriosis. Obesity is another factor that can affect the possibility of developing the disease

There are a number of treatments available. They include surgery to remove the endo, pain medications, drugs that affect the hormonal system, herbal medicine of Fuyan Pill, and hysterectomy.

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The tissue that lines your uterus sometimes gets outside of it and grows on your fallopian tubes, intestines, etc. You'll know you have it generally because of severe abdominal cramps, especially on your period. These go beyond your normal cramps and usually debilitate you. Hope that helps.

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Why do Doctors know so little about Endometriosis?

Doctors actually know a lot about endometriosis. A doctor can diagnose this very easy with just a small sample of tissue.

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Endometriosis is noncommunicable disease.

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The Romanian language equivalent of "endometriosis" is "endometrioză".

Does endometriosis smell?

Endometriosis does not necessarily have an odor, or at least not one that you would be able to detect, since endometriosis is inside of you. If you are experiencing vaginal odor, it is most likely not endometriosis, and you should visit your OB GYN with your concerns.

Could you have endometriosis if you already have a child?

Yes. Having a child does not protect you from endometriosis. While having endometriosis often makes becoming pregnant difficult for women, becoming pregnant will also reduce the symptoms of endometriosis. So, being diagnosed with endometriosis after having a child makes it rather difficult for your doctor to determine whether you had endometriosis prior to the pregnancy or if it became an issue post-pregnancy - especially if you were positively diagnosed with endometriosis shortly after giving birth.

Do you have periods if you have endometriosis?

All women are different. Some women with endometriosis will not have regular periods. However, there are also women with endometriosis that either have irregular periods, or even those that have very regular periods. If you think you may have endometriosis, see your OB GYN.

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what is indemetriosis? how do you know if you have it?

Can you have endometriosis without heavy bleeding?

Yes. Heavy bleeding is just one of many signs or symptoms of endometriosis. Actually, many women with endometriosis have none of the usual symptoms and would never know it without an exploratory surgery (or if the doctor noticed it during caesarian delivery), because endometriosis doesn't appear on ultrasounds, blood tests, MRI, or XRay. For more info check out:

What is the Gynecologic diagnosis code of pelvic endometriosis?

617.3 is the diagnosis code for pelvic peritonial endometriosis

When was World Endometriosis Research Foundation created?

World Endometriosis Research Foundation was created in 2006.

Can you die from Endometriosis?

I have had Endometriosis for 6 years. And I have had 5 surgeries in relation to it. While Endometriosis is not a fatal disease, there are risks to your life with any surgery. A number of things can go wrong while on the operating table. The risks are greater if they have to fully open you up then if you have a laproscopic procedure done. I have had both which is how I know the answer to this. Before having any kind of operation done you have to sign many forms and your doctor should inform you that there are risks to any surgery, including one done for Endometriosis.