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Emphysema is a condition where there are little holes in the air sacs in the lungs. It is usually caused by excessive smoking.

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Q: What is emphysema usually caused by?
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Is emphysema a respiratory disease?

Yes. It is usually caused by the destruction of lung tissue from smoking.

Is emphysema caused from a person's lifestyle?

NO, emphysema cannot be solely blamed on a person's lifestyle. Emphysema is caused by any of a number of lung irritants, which affect the alveoli and trigger the production of excess phlegm.

Is emphysema different from lung cancer?

Emphysema is a type of lung cancer that can be caused by the same things lung cancer is caused from with many complications.

Why does the arterial Po2 decrease with emphysema?

emphysema is a condition of loss of elasticity of the alveoli where exchange of oxygen and Co2 occurs. The alveoli cannot efficiently exchange oxygen for Co2 so Co2 builds up in the blood. It is usually caused by chronic smoking but can be caused by other diseases/conditions.

How is lung structure affected by emphysema?

Emphysema is destruction of the lungs. It is usually caused by smoking but can also be from other toxins or genetics. The decreased lung tissues causes the airways to collapse and wheezing to be heard.

Is emphysema a tumor?

No, emphysema is not a form of cancer. Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that is characterized by the destruction of the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. This leads to difficulty breathing, as the damaged air sacs are unable to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide effectively. Emphysema is usually caused by long-term exposure to irritants, such as tobacco smoke, pollution, and chemical fumes. It is a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse over time. While emphysema does not directly cause cancer, people with emphysema are at increased risk of developing lung cancer due to the damage caused to their lungs by the disease. Additionally, smoking is a major risk factor for both emphysema and lung cancer.

Is Emphysema a bone disease?

Emphysema is a respiratory disease, often caused by smoking or breathing in the smoke of others (second-hand smoke). It is chronic (long-lasting and doesn't go away) and usually eventually causes death from respiratory failure.

What do lung cancer and emphysema have in common?

Both are caused by smoking.

What is emphysema an example of?

Emphysema is one of many chronic obstructive lung diseases. It is primarily caused by chronic exposure to lung irritants.

How do you avoid the emphyesema disease?

Well, most cases of Emphysema are caused by smoking, so the best way to prevent Emphysema is to not smoke.

What is the history of Emphysema?

The general knowledge history about emphysema is doctors guessed that it was connected to smoking. However, after the 1970s, researchers understood that emphysema is caused by any number of lung irritants that affect the lungs, especially the alveoli.

What age or groups of people usually acquire emphysema?

Anyone can suffer from emphysema, it usually is more popular in smokers, so it depends on what age you start to smoke ;0