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As much breast tissue as possible is removed. Approximately 10 to 20 axillary lymph nodes usually are removed.

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All tissue is sent to the pathology laboratory for analysis.

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Q: What is done with the tissue removed during a mastectomy?
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What is a toilet mastectomy?

Mastectomy is removal of breast tissue often due to cancer. The term toilet mastectomy is used when the cancer is so advanced that it has spread to the skin and has metastasized, and the mastectomy is done simply to improve appearance and quality of life and not done to cure the cancer.

What type of anesthesia is used during a mastectomy?

The surgery is done under general anesthesia.

What is a mastectomy?

In medicine, mastectomy is the medical term for the surgical removal of one or both breasts, partially or completely. Mastectomy is usually done to treat breast cancer; in some cases, women and some men believed to be at high risk of breast cancer have the operation prophylactically, that is, to prevent cancer rather than treat it. It is also the medical procedure carried out to remove breast cancer (tissue) in males. Alternatively, certain patients can choose to have a wide local excision (also called a lumpectomy), an operation in which a small volume of breast tissue containing the tumor and some surrounding healthy tissue is removed to conserve the breast. Both mastectomy and lumpectomy are what are referred to as "local therapies" for breast cancer, targeting the area of the tumor, as opposed to systemic therapies such as chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or immunotherapy.

What are the two main methods of performing breast reconstruction after mastectomy?

The method used for performing breast reconstruction is based on the preference of the patient. The reconstruction can be done by immediate reconstruction, where reconstruction occurs in the same time period in which mastectomy is done, or by delayed reconstruction, where reconstruction of the breast is done after mastectomy.

Should thyroid uptake scan be done if you have had thyroid removed?

A thyroid uptake scan wouldn't normally be needed unless it is suspected that thyroid tissue was missed during surgery (sometimes thyroid tissue can be found in other areas of the body), or the reason for the surgery was cancer and the removal of all the tissue is vital.

What is the proper time to get IUD removed during your cycles or before or after?

There is no special time to get the IUD removed. Removal can be done at any time in your cycle.

What is a breast lumpectomy?

A breast lumpectomy is surgery where the tumor mass or lump and some of the surrounding breast tissue is removed. Usually done as an outpatient procedure.

What do they call the removal of mammary gland?

The removal of a mammary gland is called a mastectomy. This is usually done as a treatment for breast cancer or as a preventative measure for individuals at high risk of developing breast cancer.

How long after a mastectomy can the affected side have blood pressue ivs and blood draws be done?

5 years post op

Can you have your fallopian tubes removed during a partial hysterectomy?

Conventionally, fallopian tubes are not removed during a partial hysterectomy. However, if the patient demands, or if the surgeon finds it necessary, removal of fallopian tubes along with the uterus is possible(done in cases of possible risks of malignancy). Not done generally.

What is done after a biopsy?

After the biopsy tissue is removed, bleeding may be controlled by applying pressure or by burning with electricity or chemicals. Antibiotics often are applied to the wound to prevent infection.

What is the reason for providing a second setup to perform a breast reconstruction following a modified radical mastectomy due to a malignancy?

Two setups may be required if reconstruction is done immediately following the mastectomy to prevent spreading of cancer cells aka seeding.