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Q: What is disabling condition?
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What disability do you get from insomnia?

Insomnia is not considered a disabling condition by the American government or employers.

Is the term mental retardation a medical term?

Certainly it is a handicap or disabling condition.

When planning communications you must consider age and disabling condition together with cultural differences?


How do you use word disabling in sentence?

The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.The missile was perfectly aimed, disabling the machine.The tear gas had a disabling influence on the rioters.

Are you entitled to extra income support if you have been told you have defective hearing?

No, as it's not a disabling condition and is easily treatable under today's technology.

Is one of the purposes of tracking devices for disabling readers?

No, the purposes of the tracking devices is not for disabling the readers.

What is the reason for disabling simple file sharing?

Organizations can benefit from disabling simple file sharing when the system has become compromised. By disabling file sharing you limit access to the system.

Who would service dog work for?

A service dog works for a person with a disabling condition that substantially impairs major life activities to help them do those major life activities.

What does it mean to disable something?

If you "disable" something you stop it working or working properly. So a "disabling" illness would stop a person form functioning as compared to a person who was not suffering form that illness or condition.

Is Cardiomyopathy dangerous?

It can be severely disabling or fatal

What is the advantage of disabling an avg?

The advantage of disabling your Anti-Virus Protection is that it takes down your firewall which means you can exchange information more freely with others.

What condition is taken into account when determining whether a patient should undergo a pallidotomy?

Pallidotomy is performed in patients with Parkinson's disease who are still responsive to levodopa, but who have developed disabling drug treatment complications known as motor fluctuations.