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Food is not digested in the pancreas. In fact, food doesn't pass through the pancreas at all. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes to the small intestine (duodenum).

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Digestive enzymes are produced by the pancreas

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no food is digested in the pancreas

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no digestion takes place in the pancreas

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Q: What is digested in the pancreas?
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How are amino acids and protiens related?

Protien when digested in pancreas it is digested by an enzyme trypsin when digested it results in amino acids

How is carbohydrates digested in the alimentary canal?

It is digested in the salivary glands and pancreas by the enzyme amylase. Converted into disaccharides.

Could food be digested without a pancreas?

Luckily the enzymes that are found in the pancreas are also produced in the small intestine, so techncally, food can be digested; however the pancreas secretes many other hormones and substances such as insulin, which are vital components for your body.

Does the pancreas release digested food into the upper lower intestine?

There are several point wrong with the question but the overall answer is no.First, the pancreas doesn't release digested food; un/digested food doesn't enter the pancreas in the first place. The pancreas is a gland releases hormones and pancreatic juices which help aid digestion.Second, there is no "upper lower" part of the small intestine (assuming that is the one being referred to). The small intestine is divided into 3 part: the duodenum, ileum and jejunum.

Do carbohidrates digest in the intestine?

yes, they are digested in the first part of the small intestines (duodenum), by carbohidrase, which comes from the pancreas.

In what organ are lipids first digested?

Lipids are first digested in the small intestine. Lipase enzymes released by the pancreas break down the fats into fatty acids and glycerol for absorption.

Where does the digestion of fat start and end?

Fat is digested in by the liver, gallbladder, and bile duct; the pancreas, and then finally the small intestine.

What produces enzymes that break down digested food?

After the food is digested in the stomach, it goes through the passageway and meets the liver, gall bladder and the pancreas; which all secrete enzymes used for breaking down food as well.

What is the role of bicarbonate ions in the pancreas?

The pancreas secretes bicarbonate in order to neutralize the highly acidic chyme (dissolved/digested food) coming from the stomach.

What deos the pancreas do in the digestive system?

The pancreas is not directly involved in digestion like the stomach and intestines are, but it does secrete a liquid that passes into the small intestine. The liquid from the pancreas contains enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, fat, and protein in partially-digested food, while also neutralizing gastric acid.

Is pancreas part of human digested system?

Yes, It is part of the digestive system and it produces important enzymes and hormones which help break down foods.

Why pancreas is not digested by its own enzymes?

The acinar cells of the pancreas secrete proteolytic enzymes as zymogens or proenzymes. These enzymes are in their inactive form and must be activated by something else. One of these enzymes, trypsinogen, is activated by enterokinase found in the cells that make up the duodenum wall. Once activated to trypsin, it activates the other digestive enzymes.