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At the termination of nitrous oxide sedation, the rapid movement of large amounts of nitrous oxide from the circulation into the lungs may dilute the oxygen in the lungs, resulting in diffusion hypoxia. To prevent this, the clinician would administer 100% oxygen for the amount of time needed to clear the nitrous oxide from the lungs.

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Q: What is diffusion hypoxia and how it is prevented?
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what is diffusion hypoxia?

Diffuse cerebral hypoxia (DCH) is limited to conditions that cause mild to moderate hypoxemia, or low arterial-oxygen content due to deficient blood oxygenation.

What is the sentence for hypoxia?

Hypoxia can occur in healthy people when they ascend to high altitudes.

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Oxygen relieves hypoxia.

How is Hypoxia cured?

Hypoxia can be treated with oxygen therapy

What is the life threatening consequence of hypoxia?

Hypoxia means lack of adequate oxygenation. The consequence of sustained hypoxia is, eventually, cellular death, followed by death of the entire organism.

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ischemia is a result of hypoxia. hypoxia means low oxygen in the heart.

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Hypoxia is a decreased amount of oxygen delivered to the lungs. Wren and Christopher described symptoms of hypoxia in balloon flights.

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What first aid procedure do i apply for someone with hypoxia?

How do you use the word hypoxia in a sentence?

Here are some sentences.She was suffering from hypoxia.The doctor diagnosed hypoxia.

What does hypemic hypoxia mean?

Hypoxia is a state in which your body lacks oxygen, causing disorientation. Hypemic Hypoxia is a type of hypoxia in which the lack of oxygen is caused by an inability of your blood cells to carry oxygen. It can be caused by anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning. Hypemic means lack of blood.

How many categories of cerebral hypoxia are there?

There are four categories of cerebral hypoxia; in order of severity they are: diffuse cerebral hypoxia (DCH), focal cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarction, and global cerebral ischemia.