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Q: What is difference between schizophrenia and mood disorder?
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How is schizoaffective distinguished from disorganized schizophrenia?

Schizoaffective disorder includes a diagnosable mood disorder. Most people with disorganized schizophrenia do not meet the diagnostic criteria for a mood disorder. There may be some overlap between disorganized schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder with unipolar depression. However, positive symptoms (such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech) will be present more prominently in people with schizoaffective disorder.

Are schizophrenia insanity mood disorder and anxiety disorder all the same?

You are comparing symptoms to a serious mental illness. Schizophrenia is a diagnosis for various types of disorders. Mood disorders and anxiety problems can be a symptom of a schizophrenic's disorder.

What is the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder?

Dementia is a catch-all word for well, loss of the mental function, lit, out of the mind, De- Mentia. There are different types. Schizoaffective implies a sort of split personality and often violent mood shifts, secondary personalities ( i am not talking about the healthy kind manifested by writers and cartoonists doing different characters) they are both mental illnesses, but Dementia is vague, Schizoid is more specific.

What is the drug called depokote?

Depakote is an antipsychotic, mood stabilizer. They mainly describe it for Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia. It's almost related to Lithium which is also for Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia.

Can bipolar people have schizophrenic symptoms?

Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia have some symptoms that are quite similar. The main difference between these two is that schizophrenia's characterized by hallucinations and delusions while bipolar disorder is mainly manic behavior followed by periods of depression. Typically, bipolar behaviors are fairly distinguishable from schizophrenia, but there are some rare cases of schizo-affective disorder which is a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder where there is a mood component accompanied by schizophrenia. In short, bipolar symptoms can be somewhat similar to schizophrenic symptoms, but unless the individual has schizo-affective disorder the symptoms won't be identical enough to confuse the two disorders with one another.

Australian statistics on BiPolar Mood Disorder?

3% of Australians are affected by psychotic illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder at some point in their life. taken from

What may delusions indicate?

Delusions are a common symptom of several mood and personality-related mental illnesses, including schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, shared psychotic disorder, major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder.

What are treatments for schizoaffective disorder?

Antipsychotic medications used to treat schizophrenia and the antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers used in depression and bipolar disorder are the primary treatments for schizoaffective disorder. alternative therapies.Acupuncture.homeopathy.

What is the difference between bipolar and schizophrenia?

no such thing with that name, but there is schizoaffective disorder, somewhere between the two.There may be two different disorders that exhibit characteristics of bipolar and schizophrenia.The previous answer named one, Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. Persons with this disorder will experience psychotic symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, etc) even if they are not in a mood episode. But they will also experience symptoms of a manic or depressed mood episode.There are also many types of Bipolar disorder, and some people will experience the psychotic symptoms listed above, but only if they are experiencing a mood episode (manic, depressed, mixed). If the person with this disorder is not in a mood episode, they will not experience the psychotic symptoms.

What is the nature of bipolar disorder schizophrenia and multiple personalities?

bipolar disorder, mood disorder, symptoms are extremecycles of high and low moodschizophrenia, thought disorder, symptoms are hallucinations and delusionsmultiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder, dissociation disorder, symptoms are changes in identity and personality

Why is Bloper Disorder is referred to be as mood disorder?

Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder, is a mood disorder that leads to significant changes in mood, activity, and energy levels. The shifts between depression and mania can be severe and pose serious risks.

Quetiapine is used for what mental disability?

Quetiapine is commonly used to treat conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. It helps control symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, and mood disturbances.