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A 'dead leg' is when you can't move or put any pressure on you leg because of someone jabbing a pressure point on the side of it. It's bearable pain, but it still hurts.

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Q: What is dead leg syndrome?
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Dead leg syndrome?

Dead leg syndrome is a condition that occurs when pressure is applied to a nerve, leading to temporary loss of feeling or function in the affected leg. It is commonly experienced by athletes, particularly in contact sports, due to repeated impacts or compressions to the leg. Rest, stretching, and avoiding activities that aggravate the symptoms can help alleviate dead leg syndrome.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome's medical name?

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is also known in the medical community as Ekbom Syndrome and Wittmaack-Ekbom Syndrome. Anxietas Tiblarum and Anxietas Tibialis are also medical names for Restless Leg Syndrome.

Are there any known drugs to treat restless leg syndrome?

klonopin is used to treat restless leg syndrome

What leg syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by uncomfortable feelings in the legs producing a strong urge to move them?

Restless leg syndrome

Is restless leg dominant or recessive?

is restless leg syndrome dominant or recessive

Can a person with no legs have restless leg syndrome?


What causes sudden chills?

in your legs, if that's it you have r.l.s syndrome or (restless leg syndrome)

What are Acupressure points for Restless legs syndrome?

what are the acupressure points for restless leg syndrome

How long does it take to recover from dead leg?

There is recovering from a dead leg. As the name suggest, the leg is dead. It is only and only miracle that can bring a dead leg to life. It also depends on how dead the leg is. If it is in a state of coma, it may come back to life depending on how bad the injury is.

Is having Restless Leg Syndrome a big deal?

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What are the diseases of tingly legs?

Restless leg syndrome

What does RLS stand for?

It stands for Restless Leg Syndrome.