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virus consist of two layers: 1. its inner layer is made up of DNA. 2. whereas its outer layer or covering is made up of PROTEIN.......and such virus is known as BACTERIOPHAGE VIRUS

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Q: What is covering of virus?
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What has a virus inside of it?

A virus has either DNA or RNA inside the covering called a capsid.

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What is the virus made of?

Viruses use the host cells genetic material to make more of themselves. Viruses are very small (ultramicroscopic). 50 million polio viruses can fit in one human cell. Virus particles have a covering and a central core. The core contains either DNA or RNA and sometimes proteins. The covering consists of a capsid and sometimes an envelope over the capsid.

Group of microorganisms composed only of hereditary material wrapped in a protein covering?

This description fits the definition of a virus. Viruses are not considered living organisms because they lack the ability to carry out metabolic processes on their own and reproduce by invading host cells.

Is the outer covering of viruses a capsid made of chitin?

No, the outer covering of viruses is not made of chitin. Viruses have a protein coat called a capsid that surrounds their genetic material. Chitin is a structural polysaccharide found in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans.

What three main structures do viruses have?

Viruses are composed of two main parts: an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA.Some of these have an envelope over the capsid. The ones that do not are said to be naked. The proteins in the capsid allow the virus to attach to the "docking stations" proteins of the host cell.The naked viruses are more resistant to changes in the environment.A virus can have one of three structures. These are:Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus.Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses.Polyhedral virus.

How many antiviral drugs are available?

Exclusive of the antiretroviral agents used in HIV (AIDS) therapy, there are currently only 11 antiviral drugs available, covering four types of virus.

How do you get the flu-virus?

The flu is caused by a virus that you must be exposed to in order to get the flu. it's all lies

Why are antibiotics no use when treating virus?

Virus develop a resistant coat outside the covering of their cell preventing any antibiotic from damaging them. Hence there is no effect on them.

How is meningitis spread.?

The menigitis virus hangs around in the back of your throat. It infects the saliva and the nasal passages. Here are possible ways to transmit the virus.-Sneezing (without covering)-Coughing (without covering)-Kissing-Sharing eating utensils-Sharing water bottles, pop bottles, etc.Meningitis can not be spread by breathing in the same air as an infected person or just by standing close to them.Disgusting but true fact: 10% of the World's population carries the meningitis virus without manifesting symptoms (Meaning they have the virus, but it doesn't make them sick. They can still pass it on to you, though).The moral of the story is...DON'T SHARE DRINKS OR EATING UTENSILS. YOU COULD PUT YOURSELF AT RISK.

What three main structures do all viruses have?

Viruses are composed of two main parts: an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA.Some of these have an envelope over the capsid. The ones that do not are said to be naked. The proteins in the capsid allow the virus to attach to the "docking stations" proteins of the host cell.The naked viruses are more resistant to changes in the environment.A virus can have one of three structures. These are:Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus.Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses.Polyhedral virus.

What is chameleons body covering?

it is a scaly outer covering i think