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Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week. Constipation is typically caused by a poor diet such as; not enough fiber, lack of physical activity, medications, milk, etc.

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Phone Pyae Zarnie

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2y ago

Difficult to expel or condition called diarrhea

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Q: What is constipation and what causes it?
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What are some causes of chronic constipation?

The most common causes of chronic constipation are stress, lack of fiber in your diet, and diet changes. Also there are actual diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and dyssynergic defecation.

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What travels through your intestines?

A very small antelope which causes constipation and bloating

Does orange good for constipation?

Not usually - it more commonly causes the opposite problem!

What is the use of a constipation doctor?

A constipation doctor, also known as a gastroenterologist, specializes in diagnosing and treating issues related to the digestive system, including constipation. They can help identify the underlying causes of chronic constipation and provide treatment options to alleviate symptoms and improve bowel function.

Is greek yogurt good for constipation?

If you are allergic to dairy like me, then yes it causes severe constipation. To be sure, just cut out dairy for a few days and reintroduce it once your constipation is gone. If you get constipated again, bingo! I use SwissKriss for constipation, an all natural laxative.