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Fibrous Connective Tissue in the Lungs

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Q: What is commonly destroyed by active tuberculosis?
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Is it safe if your breastfeeding while your diagnose with tuberculosis?

no! its not safe. Mothers with untreated and active tuberculosis should not breastfeed their babies. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease most commonly spread by adults who have active tuberculosis. so this could spread to yyour new born child. you can get medicinces from the doctor though. :)

What disease does Nicole kidman's character in Moulin Rouge have?

She had TB (tuberculosis), or what was commonly referred to as "consumption" in those days.

A cow infected with active bovine tuberculosis sprayed saliva in my water and i drank the water. What chance of getting bovine tuberculosis?

It's likely that it is very minimal that you will get tuberculosis, as it is not a water-borne disease.

What types of microbes cause tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis, commonly known as TB, is an infectious disease caused by infection with the Mycobacterium Joel von bibraTuberculosis, commonly known as TB, is an infectious disease caused by infection with the Mycobacterium Joel von bibra

The bacterial disease that cannot be spread by infected people who do not have active disease is?


What disease is caused by mycrobacterium tuberculosis?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis commonly causes tuberculosis.

Is Primary koch infection contagious?

A primary Koch infection, which refers to the initial infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is not typically contagious unless it progresses to active tuberculosis. Active tuberculosis is contagious and can be spread through the air by coughing or sneezing.

What is a contagious bacterial infection that affects the lungs and has inactive and active phases?

Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

What are the symptoms of minimal pulmonary tuberculosis?

Minimal Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a very contagious disease. It is an infection that involves a persons lungs. You should get treated right away if you have it.minimal ptb is this dangerous?

What positive reaction indicates the possibility of active or dormant tuberculosis or exposure to disease?

it's mantoux dumasses

If a child has acid cell and non acid cells in their gastric washings does this mean they have active tuberculosis?


What is the passive voice to active voice of the home was destroyed by the tornado?

The active voice sentence is "The tornado destroyed the home." Subject + Verb + Object = Active voice. Object + A "be" verb (am, is, are, was, were, been) + Past participle + Subject = Passive voice.