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Q: What is clear excessive phlegm?
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What colour is a normal phlegm?

clear phlegm is normal. Red,Green,yellow is not normal---get help.

Can excessive bile secretions cause odor in nasal passages and in phlegm?


What is the sentence of phlegm?

Phlegm is a sticky substance produced by the respiratory system to help trap and clear away germs and irritants.

Will excessive phlegm collection cause murmuring in chest?

Excessive phlegm collection will cause a wheezing or rales in the lungs. This can be heard while using a stethoscope. It is due to the alveoli "popping" open as they are expanding. Rales comes from the French and means rattle.

What is phelgm?

Phlegm refers to the mucus lining of bodily cavities, especially that of the respiratory system. Excessive phlegm is associated with colds and influenza and can cause coughing and respiratory distress.

What is expectoration?

Ejecting phlegm or mucus from the throat or lungs, by coughing.

How do you pronounce phlegm?


Why is there often excessive sometimes blood tinged morning phlegm in it a nonsmoker?

Excessive and blood-tinged morning phlegm in a nonsmoker can be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies, infections, postnasal drip, dry air, or sinus issues. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

What is the difference between phlegm and sputum?

Phlegm is a mucus-like substance produced in the respiratory tract, while sputum is a mixture of saliva and mucus that is coughed up from the lungs. Phlegm is typically clear or white, whereas sputum can be yellow, green, or bloody, indicating infection or other health issues.

Why does your dog cough and then clear his throat?

Bad tooth causing Excess Phlegm or possibly cancer

Where does the phlegm go if you swallowed it?

Phlegm will go into your stomach and the acid in your stomach will dispose of it naturally, just the way it does when you swollow food. It is not harmful to swallow phlegm.

What does phlegm do?

Phlegm helps to trap foreign materials such as dirt, microbes and pollutants from going further into the body. Phlegm comes in different colors from shades of green to white.