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It depends on when your period started and on the length of your menstrual cycle. On an average 28 day cycle the time to fall pregnant is by having sex between days 10 and days 16 from the first day of bleeding, The further you get away from those particular days the lower the chance of pregnancy.

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If you mean you had sex 3-4 dasy before your period is due then pregnancy is very unlikely.

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14y ago

Ovulation usually starts 11-14 days after the first day of your period. But there still might be a chance you could be pregnant.

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Q: What is chances of pregnancy 3 days after period?
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Can you become pregnant 3 days after your period?

Yes, you can. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

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It sure will. Your fertilization period begins 2-3 days after you menstrual period leaves.

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3 days after your period

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Yes. Take a pregnancy test

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if you miss your period

You took a pregnancy test 3 days before your period and one two weeks after Both said negative Could you still be pregnant?

A bloody pregnancy test? If you don't have your period then is there blood in your urine? If there is you could have a bladdar infection or worse and you need to contact a doctor. Besides that, it is possible to be 3 days "late" and be pregnant because you could have simply miscalculated the date of your next period or the HCG (pregnancy hormone) could not be high enough to register on a pregnancy test yet.

How long after your period will a pregnancy test be accurate?

Most pregnancy tests are accurate day one of your missed period, if your test is negative retake it in 3 to 7 days.

Can you get pregnant if you have been off your period for 3 to 4 days?

Yes. You can get pregnant on any day of the periods. Abstinence is the only way to prevent the pregnancy. That is probably not possible and is certainly against the law of the nature, too. But there are very less chances of you getting pregnancy at this time of the periods.