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First it could be diet - don't feed 'human' food and try to give a better quality dog food (no grains, soya, gluten)

Second if changing the diet has no effect a visit to the vet is needed as it could be any number of gastrointestinal diseases or even a blockage somewhere

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Q: What is causing dog's burp to smell foul?
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Your septic system could be backed up and that is why you are smelling a foul smell. The best thing to do is to call a septic system business and have them come out and take a look at your septic system, if you think that is what is causing the foul smell.

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The term for the movement of a foul smell is "dissemination" or "dispersion."

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No, it is not. It has a foul and sharp smell.

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foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)

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Scott Ross has written: 'Sherlock Hound and the case of the foul smell' -- subject(s): Mystery and detective stories, Dogs, Fiction

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