Raised rash on front of the shin of a leg, itchy, spreads makes leg swollen. Doctor called it capillaritis.
There are many treatments for capillaritis. The treatment for capillaritis includes using grape seed extract, and taking various vitamin K supplements.
Yes it can! I shaved my lower legs with a rusty razor (didn't know it was rusty as I cannot see well without glasses). This resulted in an extremely red and itchy dermatitis which started within a day with a few red bumps and progressively spread and worsened. Use a new disposable razor after 1-2 uses!
This has started to happen to my eight year old son. Do you have any idea what this might be? Thanks. i recently started getting these red smooth to the touch dots on my shin area and on the inner part of my leg. Tiny little circular dots scattered all over are called exercise induced capillaritis. They are caused my strain on your muscles during workouts and warm weather can also affect it. I first got them on my inner thigh and after a few days they will start to fade. Today though I got them all over both my legs, shin area, worse than ever. Scared me at first but they say its harmless. These are single red dots scattered not grouped randomly, do not get it confused with other things. If this doesn't sound like anything you may have, i suggest getting it checked out. There are many other look-a-likes that may be harmful. I hope I helped. Good luck