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Diverticula, which are little "weak spots" in the walls of the colon that often form little pouches, are often caused by a diet low in fiber. The lack of fiber means that the colon has to work harder to move contents along. This can often result in a weaker colon as a person ages, and thus diverticula can be formed in the walls of the sigmoid colon.

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Related questions

How can diverticula be prevented?

While there is no absolutely certain way to prevent the development of diverticula, it is believed that high-fiber diets are of help

What is the singular form of diverticula?


What is the singular of diverticula?


What is the plural of diverticula?

diverticula is the plural of diverticulum.

What is the plural of diverticulum?

The plural of diverticulum is diverticula.

What is the singular form of the medical term diverticula?

"Diverticulum" is the singular of diverticula.

How big are giant diverticula?

Larger diverticula, termed giant diverticula, are quite infrequent, but may measure as large as 15 cm in diameter

Will everyone have diverticula?

By the age of 90, virtually everyone will have developed some diverticula

Where does most diverticula take place?

Most diverticula are located in the sigmoid colon

Do most people know they have diverticula?

Most people never know that they have diverticula

Does age affect diverticula?

The chance of developing diverticula increases with age, so that by the age of 50, about 20-50% of all people will have some diverticula

Which gas was not believed to be present at the time of Earth's formation?

Oxygen is believed not to be present at the time of Earth's formation.