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Some foods you may want to avoid during your period are:

  • Caffeinated foods and beverages - Herbal teas and water can help relieve menstrual symptoms.
  • Processed foods - Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, and poultry avoids the high amount of sodium in most processed foods and can reduce bloating and the puffy, heavy feeling.
  • High fat foods - These foods have an influence on hormonal levels. Avoid fatty cuts of beef, whole-milk dairy products, sausages, and burgers. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, and lean cuts of poultry and meat instead.
  • Sugar foods - Avoiding sugar helps stabilize blood sugar fluctuations that can result in tension and mood swings, as well as maintains immune system balance and reduces fatigue. Fruit and low-fat yogurt are good choices when avoiding foods like donuts, cupcakes, and other sugary foods.
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Q: What is bad to eat when you have your period?
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NOTHING you eat or don't eat has ANY affect of your period unless you feel there is one particular thing that does affect it, but there are not specific foods you shouldn't eat! I have had my periods since 12. I am 27 years old and eat anything on my period. Never had any problems.

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no its not bad its actually really good for you because of its protein ... you can eat anything you want during your period except foods with a lot of salt in them

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Well in my case,it is bad I get stomach cramps an my whole body hurts.😖

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You can eat and do what you always do on your period. it's not an illness.

Is it bad to eat pickles on your period?

Well pickles have ALOT of sodium which could make you feel bloated and or crummy inside I would avoid it but I'm not telling you what or what not to eat hope this helps

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thats gross

Have you heard its bad to eat burnt charcoaled meat?

it is not always bad to eat meat but it is bad to eat blood meat