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Why Smoking Is Bad For You:

Cigarette smoke contains

  • Multiple carcinogens and mutagens (chemicals that cause cancer and mutation in cells).
  • Heavy metals (arsenic, lead and polonium, the latter two of which are also in the form of radioactive isotopes that buildup in the lungs and are not cleared very easily).
  • Tar that builds up in the lungs (causing ongoing damage and reduced effectiveness).

Besides these factors:

  • Carbon oxides enter the blood and begin binding to haemoglobin, lowering the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body. If a person smokes every day, this can reach a limit and doesn't go away for a while after you stop.
  • Smoking also affects the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off infection. In the elderly, this creates an extra chance of an illness which would not normally kill a younger or healthier person, but which could easily cause death in an older person already suffering from difficulties, some of which are caused by the smoking.
  • Blood vessels narrow because of a few ingredients in tobacco; this results in several problems on its own, and can increase the chance of events such as a heart attack.
  • The smoke damages the teeth, gums, mouth and throat. This can lead to oral cancers at worst, ill dental health normally and bad breath and stained teeth at best.
  • Smoking during pregnancy - both by mother and father, given the effects of secondhand smoke - are linked to higher rates of miscarriage and birth defects.
  • Smoking causes impotence and erectile dysfunction.
  • Genes linked to an increase in the likelihood of addiction - including to smoking - also give an increased chance of developing some cancers. Thus while a cancer may not from be the smoking itself, the smoking can be an indication of the higher chance of it, while ironically increasing that chance even further itself.

All of these ill effects have been shown by several studies each and general trends throughout the decades smoking has been popular; perhaps the most conclusive is a chart recording the amount of cigarettes consumed per person and the incidence of lung cancer. The line for cigarettes has a distinct shape: the line for lung cancers is a near-perfect copy of that line, transferred along the graph by 20 years.

Smoking kills 120,000 people in the UK every year and is the single most preventable cause of early death in the world. Passive smoking is responsible for several hundred deaths in the UK alone each year. Smoking is the biggest avoidable risk factor for cancer. It causes nine out of ten cases of lung cancer, the most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Smoking is also a risk factor for cancer of the bladder, kidney, cervix, throat (pharynx and larynx), mouth, esophagus (foodpipe), pancreas and stomach and for some types of leukemia (cancer of the blood). Smoking causes a third of all cancer deaths and lung cancer alone kills one person every 15 minutes in the UK.

While this is not likely to happen on the first puff, having that first puff is where it starts. Although fairly obvious, to get the point home: 100% of all smokers started with the first cigarette. Given the risks associated with it (and the above only describes the more commonly known and studied problems), is it really worth trying?NOW YOU KNOW THAT IT'S REALLY BAD FOR YOU!
It is extremely damaging to the respiratory and circulatory systems. Smoking is dangerous to the health, it causes cancer, Heart disease and tar in the lungs. Even those who don't smoke are affected by those who do! So, it's really bad especially when there are children around! You can become ill or sick and another bad thing that might happen is that you might have tongue cancer and that means that your tongue will taste something with one side and wont with the other side. I suggest you stop because you will live a good life without smoking.

Another view

its not a fun habit it waste a lot of money. people will say it looks cool and it fun but you can use your money for other things like going to a high school football game or go to a history museum instead of lighting up its bad for you and it harms others, its a waste of time and its the hardest habit to quit. Only a 5% more risk of having lung cancer if you only smoke one a day or four a day but smoking a pack a day will give you a 8% more to get cancer. and you cant do it anywhere you want so youll have to stand out in the rain to smoke so its not fun. also its hard to have people around you that care for you see you light up so dont start ever. but it is your choose just dont do it to think you look cool cause your not.

If you are a pregnant women and you are smoking, the baby inside your stomach will get affected by getting black feet and its whole skin will be yellow. Please STOP SMOKING!

Did you know that smoking can cause cancer, emphysema, gum disease, and many more. Smoking kills more people than any other cancer combined also including aids.

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Solon Thompson

Lvl 10
3y ago
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13y ago

Smoking will deposit huge amounts of tar inside your lungs. This causes damage and will never come out. It will make breathing more difficult and shorten your lifespan. Smoking also gets tar into your bloodstream, which will make you become ill, wrinkled, and pale, as well as causing dangerous liver damage. You will also develop lung disease, which is incurable and causes a slow and painful death.

If you smoke people around you can accidentally inhale it, possibly giving lung cancer to your friends, family, or even children. Also, the odor of smoke stays on your person and clothes and is very difficult to get out, making you smell terrible. You may loose friends and partners, and you may not be able to go to restaurants, movies, get on planes, etc.

Once you begin smoking it is extremely difficult to quit (even if you only tried smoking once).

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7y ago
  • Smelling like a walking ashtray
  • Unpleasant breath
  • The smell permeates all your clothing and the interior of your car
  • Bad for your health
  • Waste of money

The smoke contains nicotine which is a stimulant which raises your blood pressure. It's addictive and can cause blood clots, increasing the risk of Heart disease. The smoke contains tar which which can cause the lining cells to multiply causing lung cancer. Tar makes the air passages inflamed and irritated and this is called bronchitis. Tar also causes the cilia (the hair that stops dirt reaching the lungs) lining the air passages to become damaged. Tar also causes more mucus to be produced which trickles down the lungs because it can't be removed by the damaged cilia. Bacteria can breed in mucus so a smoker is more likely to get infections as well as smoker's cough as the body tries to remove all the mucus.

The alveoli which are air sacs where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood become damaged so it makes it harder for oxygen to enter the blood. This is called emphysema.

The smoke contains carbon monoxide which can affect the development of a baby. It also stops red blood cells carrying oxygen by combining irreversibly with oxygen.

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6y ago

because the tar coats the walls of the lungs which reduces air space, also the elastin in the alvioli is broken down and so the lungs cannot inflate as much
smocking is bad for you lungs because cigarrets closes your lungs and makes it hard for you to breath

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12y ago

Smoking is bad for health because cigarrates contain a plant called tobacco. If you smoke then the "smoke" of the cigarrate goes into your lungs, and when it goes into your lungs it reaches your heart. Once it reaches you heart, it slows your heart down. Once your heart is slowed down you wont be able to breathe propparly. Sorry but I don't remember what type of cancer it is but smoking causes some kind of cancer.

Fact: Back then in the old times (about 1800-1970, pretty much when smoking was new) they thought that smoking was good for you. I'm thinking in a few years, they're going to make smoking illegal . (Which personally I think is a great idea)

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7y ago

Just about the same for being bad for adults.

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3y ago

Smoking is bad because it can really hurt ur lungs and we’ll lead to more problems in the future .

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