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I have atypical antibodies, I found this out when giving plasm. I have never had a transfusion and I am RH positive; I am not sure how I could have gotten this.

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12y ago

an antibody that is not typical..

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Q: What is atypical antibody?
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What is the meaning of the term atypical?

Atypical means not customary or usual. She had an atypical accent for a Bostonian.

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The Greek prefix "a-" in "atypical" means "not" or "without," so "atypical" means not typical or not conforming to the usual pattern.

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What causes the skin to turn red wherever it is touched or scratched and stay that way for awhile?

It is a histamine release. Most people have histamines that help fight off infections. Some people release more histamine than necessary and it can cause itching and rashes. Whilst there is that rare case that 1 in out of every 1000 people have what they call an Atypical Antibody in their red blood cells. Antibodies contain histamines and when you have an atypical antibody, instead of your histamines releasing normally they tend to just dump out histamines into the body wasting them. Meaning you are releasing too many histamines. I would advise you go to a doctor and have a blood test done to determine whether or not you have this antibody. It's nothing serious and there's nothing you can really do about it. But it will help you understand a lot of what is going on with your body. People with this antibody tend to have really severe allergies.

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The letter 'a-' is the prefix in atypical.

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Is atypical a noun?

No, "atypical" is not a noun. It is an adjective that describes something as not conforming to the usual pattern or norm.

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The prefix of "atypical" is "a-" and the suffix is "-al."

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