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Dead, or as Fred Sanford would say "The Big One"

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Q: What is another term for cardiac arrest?
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What is the proper term for heart attack what is the mechanism?

Proper Term: Cardiac Arrest

Is another name for heart attack?

cardiac arrest

What does cardiac mean?

Cardiac is a medical term to refer to the heart.

What is the scientific name for Cardiac Arrest?

The scientific name for Cardiac Arrest is "cardiopulmonary arrest" or "sudden cardiac arrest." It is a sudden loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness.

What type of cardiac arrest did Michael Jackson endure?

cardiac arrest:((

Can cats get a cardiac arrest?

Yes, cats can suffer from cardiac arrest.

How does cardiac arrest happen?

Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone of any age.

What Cardiac arrest?

Cardiac Arrest is when there is tremendous heart failure. (Heart Attack)

Does dilatation of pupil occur in cardiac arrest?

yes your pupils get dialted during cardiac arrest.

When was Cardiac Arrest - song - created?

Cardiac Arrest - song - was created on 1982-02-12.

How can you revive a patient from cardiac arrest?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the most effective treatment for cardiac arrest.

When was Cardiac Arrest - album - created?

Cardiac Arrest - album - was created on 1977-06-29.