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Q: What is another name for muscle rigidity?
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Another name for muscle rigidity that often occurs in death is what?

rigor mortis

What is an abdominoscrotal muscle?

An abdominoscrotal muscle is another name for the cremaster muscle, a thin muscle attached to the testicles.

What is another name for muscle that do work?


What is a voluntary muscle tissue?

This is muscle tissue that you have to think to make it move. Another name for it is skeletal muscle.

What is another name for involuntary muscles?

It is called involuntary muscle or smooth muscle.

What is another name for a muscle pull?

Another name for a muscle pull is a muscle strain. It occurs when muscle fibers are stretched or torn, usually due to overexertion or sudden movements. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

What is another name for voluntary muscles?

Striated muscle

What is another name for the shoulder muscle?

delt Deltoid.

Creatinine is another name for?

Creatinine is another name for chemical waste. It is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle.

What are the type of seizures?

There are actually six types of seizures. 1. Grand Mal - Unconsciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity 2. Absence - Brief loss of consciousness 3. Myoclonic - Sporadic jerking movements 4. Clonic - Repetitive jerking movements 5. Tonic - Muscle stiffness and rigidity 6. Atonic - Loss of muscle tone

What is another name for smooth muscle?

unstriated involuntary muscles

What is another name for sartorius?

A long or flat narrow muscle :)