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The egg of a woman matures between the 10th or 14th day past the first day of their menstrual period. And when your egg matures it means your ovulating.

For a woman who has a 28 day cycle ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day after the menstrual period started. For those who have shorter menstrual cycle like 25 days their ovulation period would normally fall on the 11th cycle day.On the other hand for those who have a longer menstrual cycle like 31 days, their ovulation time will be on the 17th day after the start of their last menstrual period.

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13y ago

An ovulation date is the date when your ovary extrudes an egg that has been growing in there since your last period. It is a fixed 14 days before your next expected period.

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Before you can calculate your ovulation day, you must first determine, the date of your last period's first day and you need to know your menstrual cycle. This two information is needed in order for you to calculate your ovulation using an ovulation calculator. The date of your period is not enough information, to calculate ovulation.

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Your ovulation date will stay the same unless your period due date changes, in this case so will your ovulation date.

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Yes, you can. The day of ovulation is when you are most likely to get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if you then miss your next period.

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You need to have a monthly cycle to track ovulation by dates, otherwise you need to learn other signs of ovulation like changes in cervical mucus. See info at link.

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How do you calculate the ovulation day?

Although the exact day varies from person to person, usually the day of ovulation can be calculated by subtracting 14 days from the date of the last day of a woman's menstrual cycle.

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