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Q: What is an excited neuron?
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A neuron that is excited to subthreshold is said to be?

A neuron that is excited to subthreshold is said to be depolarized. This means that the neuron's membrane potential has become less negative, bringing it closer to the threshold potential needed to generate an action potential.

When a sensory neuron is excited by some form of energy the resulting graded potential is called?

The resulting graded potential is called a generator potential when a sensory neuron is excited by some form of energy. This potential may trigger an action potential if it reaches threshold.

When a sensory neuron is excited by some energy the resulting graded potential is called?

Receptor potential or generator potential.

What is the difference between nerve and neuron?

A neuron is an individual cell in the PNS or CNS that can be excited and conduct impulses along its axon. A nerve is a bundle of multiple neuron fibers that each are carrying their own signals. They are protected by connective tissue. Eventually the neuron fibers diverge away from the nerve to reach their destination.

When a sensory neuron is excited by some form of energy the resulting graded potential is called a(n)?

When a sensory neuron is excited by some form of energy, the resulting graded potential is called a receptor potential. This receptor potential triggers the generation of an action potential that eventually leads to the transmission of sensory information to the central nervous system.

Why does muscles have a refractory period?

it the period when an action potential cannot be elicited in an excitable cell(neuron,muscle cell etc.) after it has been excited.

Where is the neuron?

The Inter-neuron (also known as the local circuit neuron, relay neuron or the association neuron) is the neuron which connects the afferent and the efferent neurons in the neural pathways.

Why is a neuron called an interneuron?

A neuron is called a inter-neuron because that specific neuron takes impulse from one neuron to a next neuron. For example your sensory neuron sends a impulse that you had felt a hot object. It goes through the spine to a inter-neuron to a motor neuron (this processes is called a reflex). Then the motor neuron tells your muscles in your hand to move

Define relay neuron?

a relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord or the brain

What is the 3 types of neuron?

one type of neuron is the motor neuron

What is intermixed neuron?

a neuron which recieve both messages from afferent and efferent neuron...

What type of neuron connects to a muscle?

A motor or efferent neuron.