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I've never heard of an evasive tumour, but I wonder whether you mean invasive. If it's invasive then it invades, in other words settles itself in amongst the cells of the colon. If it wasn't invasive then it would simply lie alongside them and could be easily removed.

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Q: What is an evasive tumor of the colon?
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There is a tumor marker for some cancers of the colon; it is known as carcinoembryonic antigen, or CEA. Unfortunately, this protein may be made by other adenocarcinomas as well, or it may not be produced by a particular colon cancer.

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What is carcinoembryonic antigen?

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Stage I: the tumor is confined to the epithelium or has not penetrated through the first layer of muscle in the bowel wall.

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carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

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As the malignant cells work their way to other areas of the body, they again become locally invasive in the new area to which they have spread. These tumor deposits, originating in the colon primary tumor, are then known as metastases.

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Modified Duke B1 This stage shows that the tumor has penetrated the colon's mucosal wall. However, it has not gone thru the mucosal wall itself.

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The icd 9 code for status post resection carcinoma of the right colon is 44160. This is the surgical code used when the main tumor is in the right colon.